Mad Max 4?? Really??
Well, according to George Miller in an interview with In Focus magazine, Max4 is primed and sitting in the wings scowling, waiting for somebody to make it...
AICN had the news -
" GEORGE MILLER: “Mad Max 4” is so prepared, there seems to be a lot of momentum for it to get done. Right now, I’ve got another, smaller film to do, and then we’ll gear up and do “Mad Max” again. In what form and so on, I don’t know. But it hasn’t gotten stale in the meantime, and I’m very very keen to do it. It seems like there’s the appetite out there.
He also made some quick and deliverate comments about what the movie wouldn't be about. It looks like its lies and propaganda that Max4 will be a prequel and will cover Max's days on the force.
Read the Full In Focus interview HERE
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