Variety had it that the Hughes Brothers (From Hell, Menace 2 Society) latest flick will be the movie adaptation of the 1970's hit series, Kung Fu. This stirs up many emotions for me. Firstly, the original series should have starred Bruce Lee. Instead, producers of the TV show thought that with Bruce Lee being a little known eastern actor, that the safest bet would be to "chinese-ify" an american actor. Cue David carridine. Just imagine what the series would have been had Lee got the gig. And imagine Lee's bitterness at being all set to go on the series, and have the carpet pulled from under his feet because they wanted an american actor to play the part as it would be more "accessible" *sigh*
Nonetheless, I'll be looking forward to the new take on this epic and beautiful story.
The Hughes bros haven't really done much since From Hell which starred Johnny Depp, at least on the big screen. They've covered numerous smaller projects, namely advertising campaigns for the likes of Heineken, Coke, Reebok and Nike (boo!)and now they're set to embark on the Kung Fu adaptation.
Cory Goodman, of graphic novel "Priest" fame will be rewriting the script which Howard Friedlander, a writer on the original TV series penned initially. This sounds like a good move.
Th emovie is due to go into production next year.
We sit and wait... silently... like caine would.
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