Something to look out for this christmas (which is hurtling towards us at a fantastic pace now! Best start drinking pretty soon!) for a seasonal bit of slasher action, is Black Christmas. Its a remake from the 1984 controversial "Silent Night, Deadly Night" which endured much criticism amongst parents at the poster for this movie depicting Jolly old saint nick with an axe in his mits! Understandable I guess, children can be like little sponges and I'm sure seeing Santy Claws with an axe could be quite disconcerting for a little youngster. Oh, incidentally, it was rubbish. This time round however, Black Christmas could be worth a spin. Its got a no name cast, a truly genius strap line: "One Hell of a Slay-Ride", and possibly the best thing its got going for it would be its director, Glen morgan, of Final Destination 3 fame. (He also directed The One with Jet Li, which I cant help but have a little soft spot for!)
So, we can sit on our laurels with mince pies and christmas pudding and be pretty sure we're gonna get something that we're unlikely to have to think about. Once in a while, its nice not to have to use your brain at the flicks and instead just sit back and watch the claret flow!
Catch the trailer over HERE
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