Entertainment Weekly had a spot about Richard Donner's new comic (Action comics #844). Man oh man does it look tasty!
Its co-written with Geoff Johns and is about the discovery of Kryptonian boy whom the man of steel vows to protect.
The pages they've teased us with give the bustling atmosphere of the Daily Planet and in some banter between Kent and Perry White, you just can't help reading the lines just how Reeves and Cooper would have delivered them.
'We brought [Superman] into what’s going on in the world today,'' says Donner, hinting at the comic's waft of government skepticism. ''We’re all involved in the world today, and issues that permeate our minds maybe poke their little noses up once in a while.''
Read the article and look at the teasers (in PDF format too) HERE
Donner and Johns are no strangers to one another, having worked together on "Conspiracy Theory". Perhaps not the best movie, but certainly by no means the worst around at the time.
Incidentally, Donner's Directors Cut of Superman II is released on DVD in November, aptly titled: "Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut"
I look forward to getting my grubby little mits on the comic as soon as it comes out! Not to mention the DVD when that drops in around November!
1 comment:
i think filmz are gey
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