Its no big news that JJ Abrahm's is tipped to helm the next Star Trek flick, nor is it any biggie that he and Tom Cruise are friendly with one another after the most recent installment of the Mission Impossible franchise. But what would trekkies around the globe think to Mr Cruise being a part of the new trek movie? I guess it will depend on what role he gets. I'm not convinced that he'll ever be considered for the lead role (although I could be wrong), however its been rumoured that Cruise wants to be in the movie, at least with a cameo. Hmmm, you mean he didn't have to be begged?
In a statement from some secret insider to the Canadian TV Guide magazine, we hear that he seemed keen indeed, being an avid fan of the franchise. Some trekkies feel he would be good for the role of Starfleet Academy Instructor. We can only hope that if this is the case, we get a taste of Lee Ermy's Sgt. Hartman and shades of Cruises performance as Frank T.J. Mackey in Magnolia. Now there's a combination of characters that could suit a new approach to the Trekkie enterprise.
Make it so...
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