The chaps over at Cinematical managed to corner a very Jet lagged Del Toro and quiz him on the upcoming Pan's Labyrinth - something I'm hugely looking forward to. Catch the interview over here, its well worth a watch. We even get a glimpsse at Del Toro's personal notebook!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Guillermo del Toro interview
The chaps over at Cinematical managed to corner a very Jet lagged Del Toro and quiz him on the upcoming Pan's Labyrinth - something I'm hugely looking forward to. Catch the interview over here, its well worth a watch. We even get a glimpsse at Del Toro's personal notebook!
Friday, September 29, 2006
Downey Jr to Play Iron Man!
Jon Favreou has today announced that Robert Downey Jr is confirmed to play Stark/Iron Man in his upcoming graph to film adaptation.
Jeez louise, now thats a fine casting choice make no mistake!
Since Tom cruise had been attached to this picture up until now, I hadn't really given it much consideration, thats not to say I don't rate Cruise, he's just a little... well, small... Downey Jr on the other hand has recently been on the up and up! And he has some experience kicking the chang habit so to speak - I think he's gonna be a natural!
Favreou announced the good news today on his MySpace web blog, and here's what he had to say:
"It is true. Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark. I am about as excited as I can be. I saw what he can do and he is extremely enthusiastic about playing Stark. I can say with absolute certainty that there is no better choice. The humor and emotional dimension he brings truly raises the bar on this project. Get ready.".
Indeed we will Jon! In fact, we're ready when you are!
You want CHiPS with that?
Exclusive: CHiPS casting
Some info that Latino review received recently from an anonymous New York contact on the casting of the much loved CHiPS adaptation, Who'll play John to Wilmers Ponch? -
Hey Guys,
I was in New York earlier this week, specifically, the New York Marquis. I came across a little celebration that was going on there in the form of Wilmer Valderrama and Chris Evans popping open some bubbly and announcing to the crowd that Chris Evans has signed on to play Jon Baker, Ponch's partner. The guys were pretty fired up about the deal. I also heard it mentioned that filming should start in late November early Decemberish, some time around when Chris wraps Fantastic Four.
So Chris Evans as Jon Baker. Not the one time presenter of TFI Friday and father figure/Boyfriend to Dr Who "Star" Billie Piper, but the chap who's currently shooting Fantastic Four 2...
What do you guys think?
Hmm... I'm starting to think this might become the BoyBand casting of our nightmares to be honest...
Still, CHiPS though! Does make me shuffle in my seat a little. We'll keep our ear to the ground on this one me thinks.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I Am Legend
Virus this and Virus that, post apolcalyptic societies struggling to rebuld themselves, lone heroes wandering through dystopian landscapes... is it me or are we all getting a bit over zealous with this "society crumbling trauma" cinema?
Well, it ain't over yet... I Am Legend is set in post-apocalyptic New York(Snake?
"Legend" is about the last healthy man following the release of a virus that decimates the population. To survive, he must battle mutants that wreak havoc during the night.
Been there, seen it, many many times. They mostly come at night... Mostly. This particular genre of films (which we're fast become overwhelmed with) is much to the same tune as many Graphic novels and books of this ilk, most notably for me - Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan.
I am Legend will star Will Smith (yawn!), and although I don't seem too fussed about this film here, perhaps even rather negative about it, its only because we'll be waiting for this one for over a year with its release date set for 21st of November 2007.
I should think by then we'll all enthuse about these types of movies as little as each other. It sounded better when Johnny Depp was supposedly attached. Toying with us again. Tssk!
28 Weeks Later
If there's one thing about movies I cannot stand, its a good idea used and abused to the end of its tether. (Certainly not the only thing I dislike about movies)
It looks as though the potential for this "butter scraped over too much bread" syndrome is creeping eerily onto the big screen again. But there's still time to save it! And I remain ever hopefull!
28 Weeks Later, is the sequel to the revered 28 Days Later, in which we saw the entire of the british isles anihilated by the Rage virus. This time around however, its 28 weeks since the Rage virus pandemic was quashed. The US Army declares that the war against the virus has been won, and that the country is safe to rebuild, having destroyed the virus that turned people into flesh eating zombie-like creatures. As refugees pile back into civilised society, a family is reunited. But reunited with a secret... Can you guess what it is?
Thought so...
Anyway, someone is still unwittingly carrying the virus, only this time its even more aggressive than before! You can read a full script review HERE courtesy of Latino Review, and we can expect it to splash in bloody fashion onto the big screen in May 2007.
The Tiger's Tail
I have to say, I love it when an Irish film shows promise and delivers. Can't think why though...
Anyway, acclaimed actor Brendan Gleeson who perhaps had his greatest moment to date with "The General" although has appeared in numerous huge budget movies since that we don't really care to talk about *cough* Potter *cough*, is set to return in top form for John Boormans a Tiger's Tail. Set in Ireland(that'll be why then)its the story of a very successful businessman who's life is stolen by his doppleganger. He has it all, fine house, beautiful wife, real estate business, rebellious marxist son - then its all taken away by a ruthless man (also played by gleeson and in fine style) who looks just like him.
The film is glorious in construction. It teases you with sadness and humour, particularly the conversations between Liam (good gleeson) and Father andy after his life has been taken over. Father Andy (Ciaran Hinds) with an endearing performance, comedic in much of his lines such as when he explains quite ironically to Liam that the more houses he builds with his real estate company, the more homeless people there are that can't afford them. Something which seems to reflect the actual situation in Dublin's housing market.
Only uncomfy moment is the impostor's usurpation of Liam's wife. The long-neglected Jane (Kim Cattrall) seems overly gullible, and the contrived rape-turned-delight scene leaves a bad taste, losing sympathy for the classy Cattrall.
All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable film with some outstanding performances.
You'll neva catch meeee Pottaaaah!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
300 Sneak Preview shown to a selected Audience!
I can't get enough of this 300 shizzle, and boy was I in for a treat when I was pointed in the direction of some SERIOUSLY smoochy news!!!
Zach Snyder yesterday revealed some scenes from the upcoming epic 300, adapted from Frank Millers acclaimed Graphic Novel of the same title. After a little hunting, I found some news that gave me tingles!
"The affable Snyder was on hand to introduce the clips, and he was at pains to point out that what we were looking at was just a work in progress. And that was probably a good call, as the first piece of footage from the start of the film was decidedly underwhelming – a little too dark and rough around the edges to get anyone excited.
The next clip however, which involved the first major battle, was as impressive as any fight scene I've seen on film – a blood-drenched whirlwind of slow-mo swords piercing skin and severed limbs soaring sky-wards. 'I like violence maybe too much' Snyder said of the sequence, 'But it makes for a good movie!'
The audience was then treated to a compilation of clips from the film, featuring an epic sea battle, an arty bout of sex, a conversation between a king and a god-like giant, another extremely violent battle and lots of rain-soaked, wind-swept warriors with granite-like abs shouting at each other.
While the footage obviously needs a polish, it nevertheless took the breath away – intricate paintings in motion combining with highly stylised violence to create something quite unique.
Snyder then took part in a Q&A in which he revealed the following:
- The film was shot in 60 days.
- Frank Miller came on set but pretty much left Snyder to his own devices as he knew he was sticking so closely to his book.
- Snyder sees parallels between three Miller characters – Marv ('Sin City') Batman ('The Dark Knight Returns') and Leonidas ('300') in that they are all anti-heroes who are very much on the edge.
- The British guys who auditioned for the film weren't too keen on getting their abs out, apart from Gerard Butler who enthusiastically jumped up on a coffee shop table and ripped his shirt open to prove his fitness.
- Frank Miller is happy with the film thus far, claiming it to be the movie he wanted to see when he was 15 and first fell in love with the story.
Finally Snyder made reference to the online community, saying we've been good to him and he wants to repay us all by making the film that we want to see. And from this evidence, in spite of the fact that there's obviously still much to do, I think he just might.
Good lord... it sounds immense! Lets hope the rippling muscles and abundance of man-flesh that will be on show doesn't detract from the real reason for making this film, that it is a truly fantastic story!
...although no doubt many of you will be thankful of the man-flesh on display as it'll definately mean less effort goes into coaxing the "better half" to go see another bloody battle movie!
Stay hungry!
Sly Stallone rumoured to star in yet another Predator Sequel?
Cinematical had an interesting bit of movie gossip which suggested that Sylvester Stallone may be playing a lead role in a new Predator movie, which would be likely to begin after the new Alien vs Predator movie. Now, you hear all sorts of gossip all over the place, and to be honest, I think its safe to say that we can file this one under "Extraordinarily unlikely".
A scooper told IESB "Stallone might be being coaxed to do battle with the new Predator," IGNFilmforce placed a few calls, and learned: A) Stallone's people have never heard of such a project and find it rather crazy, and B) sources "close to the studio" deny any such rumors.
Granted, sometimes when studios actively deny rumors it means they've got something to hide, but I think it's pretty safe to assume that is not the case this time around, unless something substantial comes along to re-enforce it in the near future.
The much misunderstood Tideland
Too many people are too quick to judge Terry Gilliams latest adventure into the obscure, slamming it as being sickening, gratuitously disturbing and altogether bleak.
there is a case for describing the film as being all of the above, granted, however, until the intent of Gilliams depictive Alice in Wonderland tale is acknowledged, I believe the film remains massively misconstrued.
Its a dark and disturbing tale of a little girl from a treacherously broken home where she resides with her two junkie parents and escapes mostly through her imagination. The life she leads is one that stirrs emotions and disgust amongst the audience, with graphic and disturbing images of her preparing the needles for her Daddy's "Vacations" and painfully enduring her chocoholic junkie Mother's grotesque moodswings. Events lead to her Father (Bridges) taking her with him to live in a run down old house in the middle of nowhere. Here. her imagination is set loose like it never has been before.
Here's the catch with all the naysaying...
If you're watching this movie through adult eyes, then you're watching it with completely the wrong kind of eyes. Gilliam's intention here was not to placate the audience by spoonfeeding a fairytale life of an imaginitive young girl with a start middle and end, rather, the film is a depiction of the events that transpire in Jeliza-Rose's (Jodelle Ferland) life through her own eyes. To this end, although he never openly asks it of us, Gilliam intends for audiences to cast off the adult eyes they see with every day, and adopt the childs eyes that are still inside every one of us.
You simply cannot enjoy this film to its full potential unless you adhere to the idea that we're looking at things the way a child would see them - flowered with imagination that can be blunt and often difficult to stomach, but so inherant of the way children behave naturally through their very innocence.
I for one, although often troubled by the imagery within the film, am glad to be challenged by cinema, and challenging is a sedate way of describing what Gilliam delivers here.
I couldn't recommend this to very many people, but I would advise that anyone going to see it be as open and non judgemental as feasibly possible. I can't call it an enjoyable film, but a necessary film most definately it is.
City of God sequel
Fernando Meirelles has to be reveared for his clutching and saddeningly realistic portrayal of Street life in Rio de Jinero in City of God and now the sequel to this breakout hit which he did not direct but produced, has just been picked up by Miramax. This is not that surprising since Miramax also distributed the original.
The sequel, titled City of Men, which is also the name of the television series spun-off from the first film, was directed by Paulo Morelli and is currently in post-production. From the synopsis that I've seen, it basically looks like either a continuation or remake of the show, as it follows its main characters, Laranjinha (Darlan Cunha) and Acerola (Douglas Silva), both of whom were also the focus of Meirelles' and Lund's short film Golden Gate (Palace II).
So for those doing the math, it seems that City of Men is actually based on a show that was based on a feature film that was based on a short film. Intriguing!
Nevertheless, I have no doubts that this film, with all its marketing attachments to boot, will be beautifully gritty. No release date attached as of yet.
Grind House - It'll tear you in two!
We're all familiar with the B movie horror genre. Oh so many films we deplore, yet we cannot deny the impulsive draw they have. Call it a no brainer if you will, but that new slasher movie with a no-name cast, will definately put bums in the seats, and will incite distaste amongst those who find this genre dull or uninteresting. But what happens when two of the worlds most renowned and applauded directors come together with an idea whereby two completely different films are sewn together to make one feature in this B movie style? Well, it gives you a little tingling that perhaps you had this genre all wrong...
This is exactly whats happening with Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's upcoming horror, Grind House.
A double-bill of thrillers that will recall both filmmakers' favorite exploitation films. "Grind House" will be presented as one full-length feature comprised of two individual films helmed separately by each director. Tarantino's film, Death Proof, is a rip-roaring slasher flick where the killer pursues his victims with a car rather than a knife, while Rodriguez's film explores an alien world eerily familiar to ours in Planet Terror.
With a cast list not so much made up of your typical A listers but definately as long a list as Mr Schindler might have been impressed with, Grind House is set to shock, slash, gauge and rip when it hits the screen in April 2007. The only question on my lips right now, is can Tarantino pull off an 80minute film?
Remains to be seen...
Excited by Exiled!
Its tough not to get excited about Johnnie To's EXILED. Stylistically intriguing by the sounds of it, fusing the traditional Hong Kong style action with the traditional Western? My My, it does sound like a cross-breed we can genuinely get excited about!
EXILED has a pretty barebones (but good looking and free of annoying Flash) website up over here featuring lots of pretty, sepia-toned stills.
The Hong Kong release date for EXILED, which stars Francis Ng (among others), has been set for October 19, when it will go up against another Francis Ng movie: WO HU. A Wong Jing project, WO HU looks like one more installment in the recent spate of triad/cop movies from Wong Jing, although with Eric Tsang and Shawn Yue in the cast it can't be all bad.
As soon as I can get my grubby little hands on the trailer, I'll be sure to fire it up for all to enjoy!
Well brown...
Children of Men
Close on the heels of V for Vendetta, Children of Men's portrayal of a bleak, grey and harsh Britain leaves us feeling somewhat more discomforted than the big brother society portrayed in the former. In a brutal and cruel society, where women can no longer give birth, mankind sits back as it ponders its own extinction and brutally hides at the fact that within 50 years, it'll all be over. It's a tremendous piece of cinema visually. Putting us on the shoulders of the characters we're following through the dangerous and unpredictable scenes of violence, though let it be said, violence is not the be all and end all of this flick.
Brilliantly shot, Alfonso CuarĂ³n has really managed to capture exactly what it takes to keep an audience right on the edge of their seats, treating us to spectacles of wonder with the likes of a five minute long massively choreographed single unbroken shot. It truly is amazing! I was stunned at the complexity of the scene, the content, and the sense of involvement it gave me. He even manages to coax something of a perfomance at times from Clive Owen, as he stumbles his way through the dystopia in an attempt to protect the only chance the human race has. An unlikely hero.
It should also be noted that Caine delivers an extremely endearing performance as the "good uncle" with whom Theo (owen) finds refuge. Mmm Strawberries!
A must see film, bleak and unforgiving yet thoroughly satisfying.
Keep it foolish
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Earthsea splashes home to us in 2009!
Le Guin's beautiful and epic tales in the Earthsea trilogy have long been calling out for a screenplay adaptation. And at last it looks as though we'll finally have one! Be still my shivering kneecaps, there we go... smoochy. So, eagerly anticipated, yet a long wait will ensue after these initial words... bum. 2009 is when we'll get our greedy mitts all over this creamy bundle of loveliness, and thats a fair wait for something that's bound to be lush in visuals and tale alike.
Goro Miyazaki pens the screenplay under Ursula K. Le Guin's watchful scrutiny (and no doubt with a hell of a lot of input from the auther too), although we're not without allies in our dismay at questionable details regarding release:
"However, although Disney has a US distribution deal with Ghibli, Stateside audiences won't be able to see Earthsea until 2009, when the copyright on the Sci-Fi Channel's Earthsea TV series (the subject of much criticism by Le Guin) runs out."
Transformers Finished Shooting!
Not long now... you might think... however, thats not the way the story goes this time. Don Murphy has posted on his website that filming for the Transformers movie has just wrapped. There will be just as much work still to be done with post. In his own words "If ever there was a film that was really going to be made in post production, this is it. Much editing and many effects to go."
Like we couldn't have guessed it would be cg-tastic after shooting!
Nevertheless, the next thing to look forward to is the torrent of spam with the hype we're no doubt going to have to endure for months and months, along with a trailer that's apparently planned for "later this year". We Want It Now!
I for one am looking forward to this flick, if only because I had all the toys when I was a kid (don't laugh!). Check out the Teaser if you haven't already
Fallen Art - A Treasure of a Short
An absolute treasure of a short. Remarkable animation, and linguistic exploration to rival Tolkein at his best.
Seriously though, a gem amongst animated shorts -
Seriously though, a gem amongst animated shorts -
Pan's Labyrinth on the Horizon
"I can seeee youuu!"
Guillermo del Toro is set to come back in a massive way with his latest movie, the grossly overlooked Pans Labyrinth. Its been a while in the making, and is going to have to take somewhat of a leap in cg terms, at least in the shadow of his previous cg orgasm, Hellboy. I have no doubt in my mind that this is going to be a fantastical epic wonderfull enough to make Peter Jackson go "Well Shizzle mah Nizzle!" and Dreamy enough to make Gilliam at least tip his well mannered hat to. So where's all the goddamn hype?? I mean, we endure the hype for so many other big movies where we're supposed to feel sorry for Tom Hanks, again... it just doesn't make sense. Well its a winner in my book anyway.
- One to watch out for folks!
Catch the trailer to whet your appetite with -
Pan's Labrynth Trailer
Tony Scott and Denzel Washington Team up again!
Tony Scott, brother of Ridley, and arguably as intriguing a director as his older brother, just without Alien under his belt, has teamed up with the infamous Denzel washington for the upcoming release of DeJa Vu.
Tony Scott, brother of Ridley, and arguably as intriguing a director as his older brother, just without Alien under his belt, has teamed up with the infamous Denzel washington for the upcoming release of DeJa Vu. Sorry. Poor joke and no doubt one you totally saw coming...
Anyways, the movie looks like its not going to be a patch on Scott's previous movie in which he teamed up with Washington, Man on Fire, but it certainly looks like its going to be a blast nonetheless.
Catch the trailer over HERE
Fight Club Screenplay Writer to Adapt Rex Mundi, Yes Please!
...And it gets better!
Not only is the classic series of graphs being adapted by Jim Uhls, the man who adapted the "unadaptable" Fight Club for the screen, but he's penning it with Johnny Depp in mind! Peachy...
The swashbuckling star is renowned for taking on the more quirky projects presented to him. We can only hope that perhaps Gilliam is considered as director? Fat chance...
The comicbook moved earlier this year from Image Comics to Dark Horse, which has been developing the series as a film through its entertainment division. The LA times had the most details I could find about this little gem of exciting news. Catch up HERE
Frank Millers 300 - Trailer online!!! OMG OMG OMG!
Frank Miller's 300 is set to stun. A literal translation from the epic graphic by frank miller, this looks destined to be an absolute toe-jammer of a movie, and curtesy of YouTube, I bring you the first ever screening of the cinematic trailer, aired first at the San Diego Comic Con recently. Dodgy aspect ratio I'm afraid, but the content surely makes up for that at least 300 fold, ahem... I'll get my coat.
Keep it foolish!
Update: The YouTube link was removed. This keeps happening... Anywhere I find this trailer, it lasts a couple of days and its gone!
Big Up to Rob for finding a working link! Lets hope this one lasts...
Blomkamp teams with Alex Garland on Halo Movie Project
Another interesting addition to the mix is Beach writer Alex Garland, who's penning the screenplay for Blomkamp. Could go either way there.
As long as they don't cast DeCraprio (...oops!) I think we might be on to a winner.
Some of Blomkamps previous endevours include the Citreon "Technology Alive" advert, and a short movie about an alien invasion called "Alive in Joburg" - one to check out, make no mistake.
Alive in Joburg
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