Tony Scott, brother of Ridley, and arguably as intriguing a director as his older brother, just without Alien under his belt, has teamed up with the infamous Denzel washington for the upcoming release of DeJa Vu.
Tony Scott, brother of Ridley, and arguably as intriguing a director as his older brother, just without Alien under his belt, has teamed up with the infamous Denzel washington for the upcoming release of DeJa Vu. Sorry. Poor joke and no doubt one you totally saw coming...
Anyways, the movie looks like its not going to be a patch on Scott's previous movie in which he teamed up with Washington, Man on Fire, but it certainly looks like its going to be a blast nonetheless.
Catch the trailer over HERE
hmmm... would be more excited about this is Domino wasnt as terrible as it was...
I agree that Domino wasn't all that great, in fact Jarring at best, but still, ya can't knock the potential that scott has shown right through his new approach to directing, pioneering his new and epileptic seisure enducing methods with his BMW film... hmm, might have to put something up about that, as it does feature James Brown and Gary Oldman... lush!
I did like the look n feel of Domino, i think it was just keira that i didnt really like.. oh yeah and an ending that was a carbon copy of true romance... which WAS a great film :)
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